Council of Elders Meeting Report - August 14, 2014

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United Church of God, an International Association

Council of Elders Quarterly Meeting Report

Milford, Ohio

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chairman Robin Webber called the morning session to order at 9:00 a.m., and the meeting was opened with prayer. All 12 Council of Elders (CoE) members were present.

Bylaw Review

Roc Corbett led the CoE through an hour of going through the Bylaws line by line from where they left off the previous day.

Mr. Corbett thanked everyone for their help. He felt they had made excellent progress. They plan to review the remainder of the Bylaws by the end of the December Council meetings.

Employee Compensation and Benefits Plan of Action

In introducing this session, Mr. Webber commented how the CoE and administration effectively and positively worked together in developing an action plan to address employee compensation and benefits for the CoE to consider.

Bill Bradford, chairman of the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee, began his presentation by reminding the Council of the plan that the administration had earlier discussed that would address employee compensation and benefits to be implemented over the next two to three years. Part of that plan is to be introduced in this fiscal year, pending continued favorable trends in income and expense. He emphasized that the Church needs to do the “right thing” for our employees, citing the Scripture, “…the laborer is worthy of his wages…”

Mr. Bradford thanked the administration for work on the plan, and then introduced Rick Shabi to explain the concepts and immediate action that was needed.

Mr. Shabi reminded the Council that, while some salary studies were completed, they would continue until all positions were reviewed. At the same time, efficiency reviews are being conducted. These studies and reviews should be completed by December. The results of those efforts will become part of the fiscal year 2015-2016 budget.

A three-part resolution to address employee compensation and benefits during this fiscal year was then presented for the Council’s review. The plan included authorization for a one-time employee bonus, for all full-time and part-time employees, to be paid in November 2014; authorization for the human resources director to draft an amendment to the 403(b) Thrift Plan to allow for new employer matching contribution, proposed to be effective later in this fiscal year; and authorization for the human resources director to draft an amendment to the “Section 125 Premium Only Plan” (HSA) to commence employer matching contributions for eligible employee Health Savings Accounts, proposed to be effective January 1, 2015.

The CoE and administration want employees to understand the matching 403(b) contributions are not at the same prior level. When such benefits are granted, they desire to grant benefits that will be sustainable rather than possibly curtailed again in the future.

Scott Ashley asked how this would affect our cash reserves. Mr. Shabi said that we are in compliance with our eight-week reserve policy with these proposals.

The floor was opened up for Council input and discussion.

Rex Sexton commented that he appreciated this very much. Mr. Webber mentioned that all this is made possible by the faith and contributions of the brethren. Victor Kubik expressed thanks to God for the increase He has provided. He also commended the employees for their work in watching expenses.

Mr. Ashley reminded everyone that these proposals should not be seen as just a “reward” for employees, but that they are granting back a portion of the cuts that were made a few years ago. Following the discussion, Bill Bradford proposed the resolution. John Elliott and Rex Sexton both seconded. It passed unanimously.

Update on ABC Curriculum Review Task Force

Rex Sexton, Education Committee chairman, talked about what the committee has been working on with the Ambassador Bible Center (ABC) Curriculum Review Task Force:

  • The updated ABC mission statement is almost ready to be proposed. It is being reviewed by current faculty members, and when they are finished it will be submitted to the CoE for approval.
  • Questions for the surveys are being finalized that will be sent out to pastors and ABC alumni. There will be 30 to 40 questions. The surveys will be anonymous and will hopefully be sent out in November.
  • The approved list of ABC classes are being reviewed and evaluated.

Mr. Sexton asked for input from the Council regarding whether the task force should research the option of ABC offering online courses. Some mentioned that there are some online classes and that General Epistles is being finalized to be offered on Moodle eventually.

Mr. Kubik mentioned that online classes are a big job, and we would need to ask what the purpose is for having it online. We have limited resources, and many employees are already spread very thin. He concluded that the residential aspect is very important and is a part of our culture.

Don Ward asked what is being done with the online training with the ministry and if we are looking to combine these areas. We must continue to emphasize 1Timothy 3:15 about God’s Word being the pillar and ground of the truth.

Mr. Kubik mentioned that we are stretched out in manpower for the ministerial online classes. We only have one Bible class, and there is the core class of pastoral care. He wondered how Dr. Ward’s online Bible class is different from Steve Myers’ class at ABC. It is still up in the air on what is to be done. We must blend some of it together. We are developing a library of lectures for International areas. He then concluded by saying that he would ask God for help to give us a practical solution to this.

Bill Bradford mentioned that we have to have a basic engine for biblical knowledge and training. A bricks and mortar institution is the only way to get this done. What is being done is immediate, but we will have to look at this down the road.

The overall agreement was that the online aspect could be looked at down the road.

Mr. Webber said that we have culture and education going on. We cannot just keep pointing to later. Eventually we need to plan for what needs to be done. We need to define “later!” We can’t just keep kicking the can down the road.

Gary Antion mentioned that in the past they have investigated programs that are available online that help the process and make it easier. He is not opposed to online, but he is opposed to only being online. The students need to come in and see God’s way put in to action. They get to see the hub of God’s work. They get to rub shoulders with the Beyond Today presenters.

Dr. Ward concluded the discussion saying that there is not a lot that can be done with the ABC curriculum. They can review it, and they will basically come back to what is already there. We need to have a comprehensive plan for what ABC can do to improve and ask if ABC is serving what we need.

Mr. Sexton mentioned that the consensus of the Council appears to be that the task force should finish the curriculum review by the February deadline, then address the online education options. He thanked everyone and turned it back to the chairman.

Mr. Webber said we can look at this in December. He thanked Mr. Sexton and the task force. He then asked for Aaron Dean to present a topic regarding the title of ABC. Both of these sections about ABC were recorded and are on the website (

Ambassador Bible Center Title

Aaron Dean mentioned the advantages to changing the title of Ambassador Bible Center to Ambassador Bible College. This title change would especially help with potential international students in getting visas to attend. There have been several international students through the years that have not been able to attend because most embassies do not recognize what a “center” is.

Mr. Dean mentioned that changing the title to Ambassador Bible College would help in many areas. He emphasized that we are not trying to build a building, but use the same facilities that we currently have. There could also be the possibility of partnering with a university, and it would be beneficial.

Mr. Antion mentioned that in the year 2000 a university visited us and was so impressed that they were ready to partner with us. Every year we have international students that want to be here. We have no way of helping them. If we change the title to “college” and partner with an accredited university then more options would be available.

Mr. Webber asked for Mr. Kubik’s comments. Mr. Kubik mentioned that it is a big subject, and we need to ask for God’s help and guidance. With the issue of changing the title to “college” he thinks we should move aggressively to get that done.

Dr. Ward mentioned that he was all for the name change and that we should make a formal request.

Mario Seiglie looked up the term “college” in the dictionary and didn’t realize how varied a college could be. He said he was sorry that we haven’t taken this step already.

Roc Corbett said he was in favor of the name change. We just need to look at all the legalities. We need to know all the details of a partnership too.

Mr. Dean mentioned that a partnership would come down the road. The door may open up for a partnership because they look at you as having potential students.

John Elliot could see the benefits to changing the title to “college” but wondered if there were any disadvantages to “college.” None could be found.

Mr. Antion mentioned that partnering is not a bad thing. We aren’t giving a degree. It is a diploma in biblical studies.

Mr. Webber concluded the section asking the CoE if there is interest in pursuing this title change. The majority seemed to be interested. So it was asked that more research would be done.

The Council took a break for lunch. After lunch Robin Webber asked for the president’s comments on the week since he acted as host to the CoE.

Mr. Kubik felt very good about the strategic plan. The ministry is very important, especially as we are looking at retirement. We have an opportunity to bring in the next generation of new leaders. Roy Holladay and he are assessing the next stage of leadership. Mr. Kubik’s focus of attention will be the ministry and the members. He continued that we need to face the facts of life with the aging ministry. Important milestones are being approached. We look for God’s help in all we go through. Media is an area we pray for the right direction.

Mr. Webber thanked Mr. Kubik and his administration for being the hosts this week. We have experienced good chemistry during this session. Peace is always the goal. Peace does not mean the absence of conflict, but we just have to keep moving forward.

Technical Preparation for Strategic Planning Exercise

Mr. Webber reminded everyone of the importance of the Strategic Plan. The CoE is to work with the administration to make it work. The CoE has to be careful not to micromanage every little detail. The administration considers how the “rubber meets the road,” and the Council reviews the strategy, possibly approves it and then sends it forward for GCE consideration. Mr. Webber stressed how important it is for the CoE committees to be working in between major sessions. When they do, the Council’s time is spent more effectively.

Peter Eddington mentioned for the CoE to send in ideas for any edits or changes to the Strategic Plan before December so everyone can be prepared.

Mario Seiglie wanted to emphasize that the previous discussion about the ABC title change is still about staying in our current facility and not for additional facilities. It is simply a name change that has potential benefits in opening up doors to applicants.

The CoE adjourned at 1:20 p.m. to end this session of August meetings.


Interim Council Reporter

Shawn Cortelyou

© 2014 United Church of God, an International Association