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United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting Report

Monday, February 22, 1999 — Teleconference

The Council of Elders met for a brief teleconference today to address a few issues needing clarification before the General Conference of Elders (GCE) convenes March 6-8 for its Annual Meeting.

Because they cannot either personally attend or connect to the teleconference, 11 elders sought approval for balloting in absentia, and the Council unanimously granted their requests.

It also resolved how to handle a communication misunderstanding that inadvertently omitted from the agenda an amendment proposed by Greg Sargent. Since it is impossible to put this amendment forward at this late of a date, the Council decided to have the GCE ballot on it in a timely manner after the March meeting.

The next question concerned whether having two of the six international representatives withdraw their names from the list of Council nominees affects the balloting procedures. Original plans called for having four international nominees, but due to a three-way tie for the fourth spot, the list expanded to six. The two withdrawals—Mark Kaplan and Bruce Dean—bring it once again to the primary intent, so no changes are necessary.

Finally, with two proposed amendments on the table to revise the mission statement in the Constitution, both the Council and Mr. Sargent have agreed to withdraw their proposals in favor of further work on this subject after the GCE meeting.

The Council concluded with some time spent in executive session.

- Clyde Kilough

© 1999 United Church of God, an International Association

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