Council of Elders Teleconference Meeting

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United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting Report
Dec. 27, 2009—Teleconference

Chairman Roy Holladay called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Eastern Standard Time by asking Doug Horchak to open with prayer. All members of the Council of Elders were on the teleconference except for Jim Franks, who was traveling. President Clyde Kilough and Larry Darden, legal counsel, were on the teleconference as well.


Proposed Amendment From Jack Hendren

Roy Holladay gave the floor to Bill Eddington, chairman of the Roles and Rules Committee. He stated that the Council was not correct in rejecting Jack Hendren’s proposed amendment to the Bylaws. He observed that the Amendment Committee had rejected the proposed amendment based on the Statement of Justification. He mentioned that Roc Corbett [former chairman of the Amendment Committee] wrote to him (Bill Eddington) stating that the proposal did indeed meet the technical requirements for a proposed amendment.

Bill Eddington stated that four members of the Council support it going forward, but Roy Holladay has a doctrinal concern with the proposal. Mr. Holladay’s concern is that it disagrees with a doctrinal study paper. Bill Eddington said that he needs to know if the Council believes that the proposed amendment contravenes the current doctrinal statement with regard to the casting of lots. Robin Webber asked if the statements by the Church to date are a doctrine or a teaching. Bill Eddington, in paraphrasing Leon Walker, former chairman of the Doctrine Committee, said that doctrine is clear and binding understanding from the Bible, while teaching is a general view with regard to an issue.

Doug Horchak commented that our understanding is that we can see no evidence of casting of lots after the selection for the replacement of Judas Iscariot. He said he is concerned that an amendment would define our understanding of a teaching. Victor Kubik mentioned that there is nothing in the Bible that prohibits the casting of lots, but he does not believe it is a doctrinal issue. Clyde Kilough said that when the paper was written, it was not from the point of whether the casting of lots was legitimate, but that this method was not used once the Holy Spirit was given in Acts 2.

Robin Webber stated that, if the Council approves this amendment going forward, it does not mean the Council supports the proposed amendment. Bill Eddington mentioned, if the proposal is approved to go forward, the Council can still issue a strong Statement of Concern. Dave Johnson confirmed that there is still time to get the proposal out to the GCE, but the time is short.

Aaron Dean said that he would like to know what is to be done when a proposed amendment contradicts current Church teaching. Roy Holladay stated that is an issue the Doctrine Committee will have to address.

Chairman Holladay polled the Council, and the quorum of the Council unanimously approved Jack Hendren’s proposed amendment going to the General Conference of Elders (GCE). Aaron Dean asked if any Council members agreed with the proposed amendment. None of the Council agreed with the proposal.


A GCE Member Gathering 25 Precent Support for a Rejected Proposed Amendment

Chairman Holladay asked, if a proposal does not get the support of the Amendment Committee as well as the Council, can the proposer then seek to get the support of 25 percent of the GCE in order to have that proposal on the agenda anyway? Larry Darden said that it would be an end-run around the governing documents. He further said that, if a member of the GCE wants to do it differently, he should seek to amend that section of the Bylaws dealing with the process for amending our governing documents.

Bill Eddington said that this opens the “flood gates” to offer amendments without going through the amendment process. Dave Johnson mentioned that he was concerned with one provision in Article 12 with regard to “nothing herein is in any way intended to limit the power of the General Conference for changing the Church’s Governing Documents.” Larry Darden stated that he does not believe that has anything to do with this issue, but this protects the GCE’s right to approve an amendment by two-thirds majority ballot. Roy Holladay recommended that the part of the amendment process in Article 12 be amended to state that, if the Amendment Committee and the Council reject a proposed amendment, the proposed amendment is dead and there is no further recourse that point.

The rest of the meeting was conducted in executive session.


Gerald Seelig
Council Reporter

© 2009 United Church of God, an International Association