Council of Elders - United Church of God
Council of Elders Teleconference Meeting
United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting Report
April 1, 2008 - Teleconference
In a teleconference on Tuesday, April 1, 2008, the Council unanimously adopted the new Strategic Plan, Operation Plan and Budget for the fiscal year 2008-2009. In additional business, the Council unanimously resolved to establish a Q&A forum so that elders can ask questions relating to the above-mentioned plans and budget.
Strategic and Operation Plans
Robert Dick led the Council through each page of the Strategic Plan and the Operation Plan. The Council offered supportive comments and edits that were included in the documents. Since these plans will be a departure from our past format, Mr. Dick and Clyde Kilough will include cover letters explaining the fundamentals.
The 2008-2009 Budget
Jason Lovelady, the new treasurer as of March 31, led the Council in a discussion of the budget for the next fiscal year. Bill Eddington inquired about the present financial situation of the Church. Mr. Lovelady expressed confidence that the income for this current fiscal year will reach $23.5 million or more. Mr. Kilough noted that the March 2008 mail income was 8 percent higher than March 2007, following the 9 percent upswing we saw in February.
Mr. Lovelady will also provide a cover letter in the call-and-notice packet with the adopted budget that will include further information. On a related budget topic, there are beginning negotiations with the proposed developer of the Denton property. Financing options for the property development are also being considered.
GCE Q&A Resolution
The Council discussed whether a GCE Web-based forum could be implemented in time for call-and-notice. Victor Kubik stated that more beta testing is needed and that it is not ready to be rolled out at this time. The Council then discussed how to answer GCE questions to the Council and administration relating to call-and-notice items to be balloted on. The Council decided to implement the same procedure as last year for such questions and unanimously passed the following resolution:
"It is resolved that the Council and Administration will establish a temporary Q&A forum similar to the GCE Q&A forum prior to the 2007 GCE. GCE members may submit questions related to all items included in the call and notice except for amendments. Questions may be submitted anytime after call and notice. Answers will be returned beginning on Sunday, April 27. The forum will close on May 9."
Mr. Kilough said that the purpose for the Q&A format being made available online is so that all elders, not just those who are physically present at the annual meeting, can ask questions on ballot issues.
Amendment Discussion and Executive Session
The Amendment Committee sent the Council five proposed amendments along with the statements of concern from elders and members of the Church. Prior to being included in the call-and-notice packet, the Council approves each of the statements of concern. Since there are names attached to each statement, Mr. Dick raised the question as to whether this discussion should be conducted in executive session. Thus, the approval of the statements of concern and other remaining business took place in executive session.
John Foster
Council Reporter