Council of Elders - United Church of God
Council of Elders Meeting Report - January 7, 2014
Council of Elders Video Meeting
United Church of God, an International Association
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
From his home in southern California chairman Robin Webber called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Eastern Standard Time via Web connection with the rest of the Council of Elders. He then asked Mark Mickelson in Spokane, Washington, to give the opening prayer. After opening remarks he asked president Victor Kubik to give his report.
President's Report—Victor Kubik
Mr. Kubik commented that this is a Beyond Today shoot week in the television studio, and Gary Petty is in the office for that reason. For the first time exceeded 1 million unique visitors during one month (December 2013). That is a major milestone for the Church, and now we need to continue improving on how we follow through with engaging and encouraging those visitors to learn even more of God's way.
The program for upgrading our local church websites is well underway. We have 11 volunteer Web experts who are each assigned to monitor about 20 websites and advise pastors about how to improve keeping each local site up to date while also improving its look. The goal for bringing all local sites up to at least basic standards is set for Feb. 1. During the initial review, sites were graded "A-F." Very few received an "A" grade, and there were a number of "F" grades that need immediate attention. We want all sites to be at least a "C" rating by the February deadline.
The other major project to help new people climb the "ladder of involvement" in God's way is to increasingly engage them in all our media efforts. The March-April issue of The Good News will focus on such engagement dealing with the topic of the spring festivals. Mr. Kubik has formed a Content Committee (with Council oversight) to analyze how we can improve our active connection with new people, and plans to appoint a content advisor to help follow through with the project.
Council member Roc Corbett asked for clarification about the new position of content advisor. Mr. Kubik explained that the Content Committee, which is chaired by Darris McNeely, is putting together a job description for someone already in Media and Communication Services who will coordinate the data of the committee in conjunction with the production of Beyond Today and The Good News. This role is not a new position. Rather it will be a duty assigned to an existing employee who will work with the president on content produced by the Church.
Mr. Kubik mentioned that he had received a nice card from Mr. Rod Meredith of the Living Church of God and that his son Jim Meredith is planning a visit to the home office on Jan. 24.
Roy Holladay, the new Ministerial and Member Services (MMS) operation manager, is in the process of moving to the area. However, he and Mrs. Holladay plan to keep their home in Tennessee with an eye to his eventual retirement. His presence in the office will greatly facilitate the everyday leadership needed in the ministry.
MMS is in the process of engaging a number of older pastors regarding the eventuality of transitioning to retirement status while remaining actively engaged as ministers where and how they choose. Additionally, MMS is identifying and commencing to train younger men to become pastors by working with the men in the process of retiring.
He also reported that Aaron Dean as a part of MMS just returned from a visit with the ministry in the UK and is overseeing the many details of taking care of our brethren in Africa.
Mr. Kubik also described his plan to continue producing short podcast interviews with the ministry and home office staff at the rate of about two per week, to be released on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
He reported that we have signed a contract with a new webcast carrier, Ustream, and he is very pleased with the increased and cost-effective coverage it provides. Plans are being discussed to have live video sermons at the Feast of Tabernacles brought by a speaker to all sites in one time zone.
In the relief efforts for our Philippine brethren who sustained severe damage to their homes we have raised over $100,000 for Good Works and another $40,000 via LifeNets. At least six families' homes must be completely rebuilt, and progress in that effort is going well.
Treasurer's Report—Rick Shabi
Mr. Shabi explained that the initial year-end report for December placed us a fraction behind last year, but the first week of January has put us ahead of donation projections as mail receipts were processed. Overall, the financial statements show that we have a significant favorable budget variance overall, largely due to expenses running below expected levels.
GCE Annual Meeting Theme
The Council discussed the theme for the upcoming General Conference of Elders (GCE) annual meeting in May. Although a theme was approved at the last Council meeting, at that same meeting the Council allowed the Content Committee to come forward at this time with an alternate theme. The initial theme was thought to be somewhat wordy and cumbersome. The newly proposed theme was "Creating an Environment for Growth." Mr. Kubik explained that this wording was easier to visualize and to use as a guideline for developing presentations. Even though the word "growth" is in the theme, we must remember that we are not trying to grow the Church—Christ does that. However, we as members of God's Church need to grow spiritually and wisely prepare to grow numerically as God sees fit.
Mr. McNeely commented that the newly proposed theme could be built upon by the themes for two or three upcoming annual meetings of the GCE. He mentioned that the memo circulated to the Council members before the meeting cited the principles of certain scriptures that speak to the proposed theme:
2 Peter:3:18But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.—"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ."
2 Timothy:2:15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.—"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Ephesians:4:15But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:—"But speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ."
He emphasized that the proposed theme focuses on the concept of growth and addresses what, as an aging ministry, we desire to see.
Mr. Kubik added that from the administration's point of view, the newly proposed theme naturally translates into effective action steps for practical implementation. Mr. McNeely formally proposed a resolution for the Council's consideration and balloting. Mario Seiglie seconded the motion.
Discussion included requesting input from Charles Melear, chairman of the GCE Committee, who commented favorably on the proposed theme. Mr. Corbett wondered if the wording possibly implies that we don't presently have a growth environment, which in fact we do have. Also, as an artist, Mr. Corbett very much liked the implications of the word "creating." Robin Webber suggested that in the theme we are expressing the desire to improve on what we already have. Mr. Seiglie cited 1 Corinthians:3:6I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. where Paul says, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase," and that likewise, we also seek to do our part and then look to God to give us increase in our day.
Rex Sexton expressed that some might be concerned that this theme would lead to changing our church services to include more music and less preaching. Mr. Kubik answered by stressing the importance of better preaching, improved song leading, etc., but pointed out that our Pastors Policy Manual clearly defines the length and format of services. Bill Bradford identified three things that need to be clarified in the new theme: What is an environment? What does it mean to create? What do we mean by growth? He reflected that clearly defined terms could make the theme quite effective. Mark Mickelson commented that in creating a growth environment we need to balance mercy—the soft side of love—with the fact that God is just.
Mr. McNeely then read the proposed resolution of behalf of the several Council members who had generated it:
Whereas, the Council of Elders previously adopted by ballot a theme "Proclaiming the Gospel and Earnestly Contending for the Faith" for the 2014 annual meeting of the GCE and,
Whereas the Council, after reconsidering, desires to change the theme to "Creating an Environment for Growth,"
Now therefore, it hereby rescinds the former theme and adopts the new theme, "Creating an Environment for Growth."
Chairman Webber called for a ballot and the result was unanimous in favor of the new theme.
President Kubik next explained that he would like to call for a day of Church-wide fast for the last Sabbath of January (the 25th). He explained that we often fast in a crisis, but should also do so when things are going relatively well. For those who have activities planned on Jan. 25, they could fast on another day leading up to or just after that day. He plans to elaborate on the subject in his upcoming member letter.
Just after 5:00 the Council concluded its open session and entered executive session for the remainder of the meeting.
Randy Stiver
Council Reporter
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