Council of Elders Meeting Report in Clearwater Florida

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United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting Report

Wednesday, December 12, 2001 - Clearwater, Florida

The Council ended its Florida meetings today. Members discussed agenda items of international chairmen speaking to the Council, further planning for the 2002 General Conference of Elders, and other miscellaneous matters.

International Presentations

Chairman Roy Holladay recalled the address John Jewell made to the Council in August, detailing the operation of the United Church of God in the British Isles. The Council had planned to bring in one international Council chairman per session of Council of Elders meetings for similar presentations. Leon Walker had asked to present an alternate suggestion.

Mr. Walker expressed his concern about adopting plans that impact the budget without sufficient consideration. He proposed using the time of the International Meetings before the General Conference of Elders to have all the chairmen of the various National Councils from outside the United States address those meetings, with Council members present. He pointed out the advantage of having each of the chairmen hear the others deliver their respective reports. Cost would not be a factor, as the international representatives would be present for the GCE. Mr. Walker estimated that all the reports could be delivered in one session, either morning or afternoon.

Mr. Holladay requested input from other Council members. Mr. Jewell agreed that Mr. Walkerâs plan had some clear advantages, but pointed out how hard it can be to focus on each presentation individually and give it the attention it deserves if it is immersed in a ãpackä of eight or nine discourses. There would also be no chance for actual dialog back and forth with the Council after each report. Others agreed. Gary Antion recalled that the idea behind his original suggestion had been to focus on one at a time, according a certain honor to each international chairman by inviting him to address the Council of Elders. Richard Thompson proposed polling the international chairmen for their input on what would work best from their individual vantage points.

Mr. Holladay asked the Council to consider a blend of the two ideas. What of having two or three presentations at the Council of Elders meetings right after the General Conference of Elders, then proceeding with the others at succeeding meetings? Clyde Kilough asked his fellow Council members to consider that advantages would flow both ways ö perhaps the international chairmen would benefit as much or more than the Council of Elders members by being able to observe the Council in action over several days of meetings, he suggested. Other Council members expressed assent.

Mr. McCullough cautioned the Council to remember that some of the chairmen of other countriesâ National Councils may not be employed by the Church ö scheduling convenient for them has to be considered too. Staff member Matt Fenchel pointed out the opportunity for international ministers to interact with home office staff that would accompany longer visits to the Council meetings.

Robert Dick suggested using the upcoming February meetings of the Council as an opportunity for a ãtrial runä with two or three presentations being made, then asking those men for ãexit pollsä as to the effectiveness, in their view. As he pointed out, airfares to Europe are usually very inexpensive that time of year (probably less than either he or Mr. Kilough would have to pay from the West Coast of the United States!). Others, such as Joel Meeker (French chairman, but residing in St. Louis, Missouri) are close by ö expense would be minimal. Mr. Holladay accepted this advice, after polling the entire Council for its preferences. Details will be worked out and invitations issued by Mr. Holladay as Council chairman.

GCE Planning for 2002

Mr. Kilough presented recommendations from the Ethics, Roles, and Rules Committee for the agenda at the General Conference of Elders in May 2002. As he stressed, the topics would be broad enough for creativity, but the focus would be on Ephesians:4:11-16, with the theme Equipping the Saints, Edifying the Body. The ãtarget audienceä would of course be the elders of the Church, but the instruction would be beneficial for members as well. The keynote address would be delivered Sunday afternoon, May 5, 2002. Monday, there would be three presentations to the Conference, each being followed by breakout sessions for discussion of the topic. Concluding comments from the chairman would wrap up that second day by 5:30 p.m. This would incorporate most suggestions from elders after last yearâs conference regarding scheduling.

The Council also deliberated on the amendments proposed for this yearâs GCE. Two proposals overlap, in that they recommend different changes to the Article 12 of the Bylaws. One comes from the Council itself, one from GCE member Warren Poland. The Council decided to follow the recommendation of Amendment Committee chairman Roc Corbett, and support Mr. Polandâs amendment.

Discussion ensued for some time on an amendment to Section 9.1 of the Bylaws proposed by Mr. Dick, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Walker, and Burk McNair. The section deals with officers of the Church, and the amendment proposes to reverse the change to the section that was approved at the 2000 GCE.

Mr. Holladay asked if the Council wished to write a statement of concern (expressing the thinking of those who find they canât support the amendment as written). As only six Council members were in favor of such a statement of concern by the Council itself, no such statement will be written from the Council (a simple majority ö seven ö must support it). Individual Council members will be free, as members of the GCE, to write a statement of concern later in the process. For now, the amendment will proceed as submitted. All elders will see the full statement in their packets of call and notice for the General Conference.


Council briefly discussed a request by Wil Berg, member of the Prophecy Advisory Subcommittee, to have overlapping meetings of the subcommittee with the Council of Elders once or twice per year. This would enable the entire Council to be more familiar with the work of the subcommittee in this very important and sensitive area. There are advantages and disadvantages, and the Council simply ran out of time to arrive at a conclusive decision. Mr. Holladay asked all to consider the proposal, and come prepared to review it at the next Council meeting.

Mr. Holladay then asked Mr. Kilough to close the sessions in prayer and adjourned the meetings. The next scheduled Council meeting is Wednesday, February 27, 2002, in Cincinnati.   

-Doug Johnson

© 2001 United Church of God, an International Association