Council of Elders Meeting in Milford, OH

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United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting Report
March 2, 2011—Cincinnati, Ohio

Wednesday’s meeting was called to order by Chairman Melvin Rhodes at 9:00 a.m. After the opening prayer by Bob Berendt, Mr. Rhodes introduced Peter Eddington to review the General Conference of Elders (GCE) 2011 annual meeting agenda.

GCE 2011 Annual Meeting Agenda Review

Mr. Eddington reported that we are planning for the webcast (both audio and video) on the Sabbath, but this year we are not planning for a phone connection. The webcast only costs a few cents per hour, but the phone connection is much more expensive. Also, most congregations are now wired for the Web.

Plans also call for a Friday afternoon training session just prior to the annual meeting for international elders. The question was brought up about an “international coordinator,” who could serve in a staff capacity to help the president interface with all the international areas. After some discussion, this topic was tabled for later.

The speaking schedule for the Sabbath of that weekend was discussed. Saturday night activities will include a ladies’ evening discussion, a ministerial mixer and some ABC student and alumni entertainment.

GCE Business Meeting

The business session on Sunday will include the usual features, but will have some minor changes in the order of events. The Council balloting results will be announced just before the dinner break. The Council and administration Q&A will take place that evening.

One change is that the Monday of the conference will feature two plenary sessions for all attendees that will take place during the first half of the morning. An interesting variety of workshop sessions are scheduled for the late morning and early afternoon. The concluding plenary session will include our president’s presentation of recognition for outstanding elders and wives. This will be followed by the closing address by the Council chairman.

Fasting Before the GCE

Victor Kubik reminded all of the need to request a day of fasting and prayer for all of us before the conference.

GCE Balloting Questions

Council Secretary Gerald Seelig brought forth a balloting issue during the GCE business session. He reviewed our usual use of the auditing firm for Council of Elders position balloting. As secretary, he oversees the counting of the other ballots.

The question is whether the Council wants to continue to use the auditing firm for ballot counting. The count costs $3,000 per GCE meeting. Darris McNeely suggested that the decision should be made by the Council as constituted after the upcoming annual meeting.

There was also a discussion about whether the names of the balloting elders should be left on the bottom of the ballot rather than removing that part of the page. After extended discussion, the consensus was to inquire of the GCE before deciding.

GCE Proceedings Online

Another question was raised about whether the GCE business meeting should be made available to Church members live online. Discussion centered on the need to be able to discuss ministerial matters within the ministry. The suggestion was made that a download of footage of the meetings should be made available later in the week, shortly after the conference rather than providing a webcast for everyone. The Council balloted in favor of having the download available online.

Another question was asked about the status of the Prophecy Advisory Subcommittee. After discussion, the Council determined that all papers on prophecy will first go to the Doctrinal Committee (the chairman of which is Bob Berendt).

After a break for lunch, the Council met during the early afternoon in executive session.

Roles and Rules Committee (R&RC) Report

At the beginning of the late afternoon open session, Mr. Rhodes turned the floor over to Bill Eddington, chairman of the R&RC (a committee of the GCE) for a report and to conduct a discussion.

Fundamental Beliefs Amendment Process

The R&RC has reviewed the timing of the amendment process, but there is still more work to be done. The committee hopes to provide the Council with recommendations by May.

GCE-Sponsored Resolution Process

The Committee decided that a draft process it had looked at needs more work. The Committee intends to consider extending the process beyond the 25 percent support from the General Conference of Elders. It would also include the submission of proposed amendments or resolutions to the GCE by officers or four members of the Council. It is hoped that recommendations will be put to the Council at its May meeting. It is possible that an amendment to the Bylaws could result from the Committee’s efforts.

Council of Elders Self-Evaluation Retreat

A formal proposal was submitted to the Council for an annual self-evaluation on the Thursday and Friday immediately after the May Council meetings. It would take place at a separate venue near Cincinnati to minimize travel time but still provide a suitable location. The Council reviewed an outline of the evaluation categories and questions. A brief discussion ended with the consensus that the Council should conduct its first self-evaluation retreat this May. Further consideration will be given for a program for the wives while the Council self-evaluation retreat is in progress.

Legal and Governing Documents Issues

Church legal counsel Larry Darden presented the Council with a document regarding “Council of Elders Procedures Which Need to Be Reviewed.” The Committee recommended that the items be remanded as follows:

  • Ethics Committee:


    • The ethics investigation policy for when a Council member is accused of a breach
    • The role of the Elder Expulsion Appeal Committee when a violation is found
    • The Council of Elders Code of Ethics needs definition and clarification, particularly regarding “upholding the consensus” of the Council
    • The Ministerial Code of Ethics lacks solid guidelines and needs to be updated and have ambiguity removed. To be considered is whether each elder should sign the Code of Ethics.
  • Role and Rules Committee:


    • The process by which GCE members can submit a proposal to get 25 percent support to place resolutions on the ballot of the General Conference. Work has already begun on this matter.
    • Powers of the president versus powers of the Council of Elders need specific guidelines and understanding with respect to the oversight role of the Council and the prerogative of the president to use discretion to implement Council policy.
    • Election of new members to the Council of Elders. Determination needed for exactly when the new members of the Council would take office. It could be either immediately after the GCE election or at the beginning of the new fiscal year. The latter is the current practice.

Finally, the Council considered a resolution proposing a change to Bylaw 8.4.3. This Bylaw is related to the filing of vacancies on the Council, and it addresses the situation when no eligible candidate is available to fill a vacancy on the Council during a Council year. A proposal to amend Bylaw 8.4.3 was agreed on and will be placed on the agenda for the May General Conference of Elders.



Randy Stiver and Jorge DeCampos
Council Reporters

© 2011 United Church of God, an International Association