Council of Elders - United Church of God
Council of Elders Meeting in Cincinnati Ohio
United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting ReportThursday, August 8, 2002 ‚ Cincinnati, Ohio
The Council of Elders finished its meetings in Cincinnati today, hearing presentations on the 2003 General Conference of Elders and Church youth programs, and finalized several items of business.
2003 GCE
David Register joined the Council meeting by phone from southern California to give a report from the “Advisory Committee for the 2003 Annual Meeting of the General Conference of Elders” (“Advisory Committee”), which he chairs. The committee consists of Diane Bailey, Peter Eddington, Larry Greider, Joe Horchak, Charles Melear, David Register (chairman), Randy and Kay Schreiber, Greg Thomas, Tony Wasilkoff, and Robin Webber.
Roughly one month ago, a survey composed by the Advisory Committee regarding the 2003 General Conference of Elders was sent to all elders. Eighty-four elders returned surveys, representing about 20% of the General Conference. Several comments and suggestions came in, among them the following:
· Explore some way for the Church to partially finance expenses.
· Allot more time for social functions (for casual interaction of elders and wives); for instance, a Saturday night barbecue or Sunday morning pancake breakfast hosted by Council members might be considered.
· Hold an open Q & A with the Council, and give more time to discuss ballot issues with Council members.
· Continue the international reports, but focus more on human interest material than on statistics.
· Eliminate break-out sessions.
· Condense the repetitive parts of the annual business meeting.
· Hold a session for ministers’ wives.
· Focus even more on a positive and proactive approach, leaving attendees positively motivated.
· Find a way to solve the problem of those elders who do not participate in the GCE balloting.
· Set aside time for a memorial to those elders or elders’ wives who have died in the past year.
Most were positive about last year’s speakers, but some asked that even more topics with direct application to pastoral work, such as David Johnson’s presentation on preaching in 2002, be included. Some wished to invite an “outside” motivational speaker. A few suggested that speakers at the Sabbath service include elders who are not Council members.
Respondents suggested three themes: “Maximizing Your Ministry,” “Doing the Good Work,” and “Stewards of the Faith: Shepherds of the Faithful.” The Council members liked all three, and several stated that it gave a good basis for early planning.
The Advisory Committee made its own suggestions:· Select a theme and appoint the Advisory Committee to recruit speakers and presenters for Council approval.
· Approve a suggested time-line for planning.
· Undertake a discussion of how to encourage those elders who do not participate to consider resigning from the GCE, but remain an elder in good standing in the Church. Perhaps a letter from the president and chairman would be helpful in explaining this procedure.
· Have the president and chairman write a letter to all elders about eldership responsibilities in the United Church of God.
· Have the Committee write an article about the survey results to try to stimulate participation in the 2003 GCE.
· Promote the GCE with several notices and announcements. This could include a personal invitation for each elder, sending a color brochure (tri-fold style), and displaying banners with the GCE theme outside the meeting hall and over the stage at the GCE itself.
· Plan the Saturday night barbecue or Sunday morning pancake breakfast as suggested by survey respondents.
The Council thanked Mr. Register for his and the Committee’s efforts. The Ethics/Roles and Rules Committee (Gary Antion, chairman) will work with Mr. Register to move the project forward.
Youth Programs
Doug Horchak presented an update on Church youth programs for the Council. The material gave an overview of some of the following areas:
· The Youth Education Team’s current composition: Jim Servidio, Larry Greider, David Treybig, Joel Meeker, Doug Horchak.
· A brief history of the programs and development, working from the Education Committee of the Council.
· The preteen Sabbath school curriculum.
· Feast of Tabernacles education.
· Teen Bible study guides.
· Parenting seminars.
· United Youth Camps.
· United Youth Corps. Current and potential projects.
· Young adult seminars/weekends.
· The web site.
· Update on the youth e-magazine.
· Annual budget for the program (just over $19,500, not counting the United Youth Camps).
Miscellaneous Business
The Council had numerous items that required attention on the last day of meetings.
· They spent a brief time early in the day in executive session covering input on job performance of the president and chairman.
· Aaron Dean led a discussion on the Church option to purchase the 3+ acres just down the hill from the current home office facility for $1. The option to purchase extends until March 30, 2003. Council members were divided in their opinions, with some concerned about accepting liability for any potential contamination of the site (readers of these reports may recall that the Church had to conduct environmental tests on the property before purchase). Others saw the option as a chance to ensure no one else builds immediately adjacent to our current property. Mario Seiglie proposed acting on the option, with further environmental testing, not to exceed a cost of $5,000, to be carried out first. The motion failed 7-5, with Messrs. Dick, Franks, Horchak, Kilough, Kubik, Thompson, and Walker balloting against it; and Messrs. Antion, Dean, Jewell, McCullough, and Seiglie in favor.
· The Council suggested a minor edit to the booklet This Is the United Church of God, which should be sent to the printer soon.
· Suggestions have surfaced on the Elders Forum about procedures of processing and announcing Holy Day offering results. The topic was remanded to Ministerial Services for a suggested resolution.
· A resolution suggested by the Amendment Committee pertaining to letters of concern about proposed amendments to the Church’s governing documents was introduced to the Council, with the Committee asking the Council’s help in the performance of their task. Members will study the material and deliberate as needed at a teleconference or at their next face-to-face meeting in December.
· An adjustment to the Church’s Relocation Policy regarding mileage reimbursement was passed 10-0, with Messrs. Antion and McCullough abstaining, all other members in favor.
· A proposal to institute per diem reimbursements for Council meeting meal expenses was remanded to the December meetings due to insufficient time for consideration.
On this final day of meetings, in recognition of Mr. McCullough’s recent retirement (he continues his service as a Council member), the Council presented an crystal plaque inscribed with a message of appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. McCullough for their 40+ years of service to God’s people.
The Council will meet next in Cincinnati at the home office during the second week of December 2002.
Doug Johnson