Council of Elders Meeting in Cincinnati Ohio

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United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting Report

Thursday, August 9, 2001 - Cincinnati, Ohio

            The Council wrapped up its four-day series of meetings today. They released a statement on voting, discussed the process and time frame for selection of a new president, aspects of human resources policy, the credentialing form, and the process of GCE balloting. A brief reference to the General Conference of Elders for 2002 rounded out the last meeting projected to be held at the current leased home office facility. 


            Council first returned to the request by the Australian National Council for a statement on voting. They approved the following statement unanimously (Don Ward absent):

Statement on voting for, and/or running for, political office

ãThe Council of Elders has been asked to provide an official statement of belief regarding voting for, and/or running for, political office. The traditional historic teaching of the Church is that Christians should not vote for individuals running for, or themselves become candidates for, a political office. This has been the continuous and consistent teaching of the Church. At no time has the Church taught anything to the contrary.

ãThe Council does recognize that this teaching may be in need of revision. Several ministers and members have expressed concern about the Churchâs traditional teaching. Furthermore, the actual practice of many members has been at times different from the traditional teaching of the Church.

ãTherefore, it is the Councilâs desire that this issue be addressed afresh in order to seek greater unity of belief and consistency in practice, in accordance with the biblical teaching on this topic. Of course, any conclusions different from the traditional teaching of the Church would be submitted to the GCE for approval.ä

Miscellaneous Business 

            Several matters of business required the Councilâs attention on this last day of meetings.

            Chairman Roy Holladay moderated discussion on the topic of the process and time frame for selection of a new president for the Church. The Council made adjustments to a proposed time line, taking the process through GCE nominations and comments, Council nominations, election of the president, and transition, to be complete by the General Conference of Elders in May 2002. 

            With the help of Steve McNeely (Human Resources staff) and Charles Melear (Travel Coordinator), the Council amended the Churchâs Human Resources policy on travel required for church business. The amendments were adopted unanimously (Don Ward absent). 

            Gary Antion led the group through some modifications to the form used by elders wishing to be credentialed by the United Church of God. After some discussion to clarify the reasons for the minor changes, the Council unanimously adopted the form as adjusted (Don Ward absent). 

            President Les McCullough then asked the Council to turn its thoughts to the continuing difficulty of lack of participation in GCE balloting. The Bylaws of the Church do allow an elder to resign from the General Conference (with its balloting responsibilities), yet remain an elder in good standing of the Church. However, few have done so. The upshot of Council deliberation agreed with a comment by Clyde Kilough, that even more efforts should be made to educate all elders to the ongoing difficulty that failure to participate causes to the process of governance in the Church. The recent round of U.S. regional conferences helped in raising the awareness of elders regarding the situation. Mr. Holladay urged all Council members to continue to consider possible approaches, and keep in touch with each other before the Tampa meetings in December. 

            The Council crafted a letter to the membership of the Church with an update on progress in the credentialing process involving elders formerly serving in the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship. 

General Conference of Elders

             Mr. Holladay asked if the Council believed the concept of Christ-centered servant leadership, raised at the 2001 meetings, should continue to be a focus, and perhaps the theme. Various responses were offered, but all agreed that the general theme itself needed to be set before the Tampa meetings, as that would leave a shortened time frame for final preparation.

            Richard Thompson suggested surveying the General Conference for its ideas. Mr. Holladay observed that the Feast of Tabernacles would be a good time for elders to discuss the idea among themselves to arrive at a helpful focus for the annual meeting in May 2002.

            Mr. Holladay asked the Council members to give some thought to the agenda for the December 5-12, 2001 session in Tampa, Florida, and dismissed the current round of meetings, wishing all a safe journey back to their respective home areas.           

 -Doug Johnson

© 2001 United Church of God, an International Association