Chairman's Commentary - Council of Elders Meeting in Milford, OH

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United Church of God, an International Association
Chairman's Commentary
Council of Elders August 10-13, 2009, Meetings - Milford, Ohio


Certain sections of the Bible grab your attention and focus you on God’s plan for all humanity. Ephesians 1 is such a chapter. Verse 4 reveals that our Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ was thought out “before the foundation of the world.” God is following a plan to achieve His overarching purpose for creation to bring many sons to glory. Verse 11 adds clarity to God’s plan by stating that we are “predestined according to the purpose of Him…according to the counsel of His will (emphasis added).

The August Council meetings addressed several significant issues facing the Church that have to do with our working with God to fulfill that plan. The Council addressed the long-term issues and plans for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, as well as educating our youth and ministry. Let me explain.

The groundwork is now laid for our administration to carry out an effective ABC and pastoral training program. The green light has been given to the administration by the Council to develop the curriculum for ABC and pastoral training that will serve the Church well over the next decade. Quoting from the Curriculum Development Plan: “The curriculum of ABC and the Pastoral Training Program would be reviewed by a task force of individuals from inside the current education administration and members outside the administration. It is recommended we have a two-tier task force. The first task force would review the curriculum and recommend any changes. The second would review the recommendations and recommend a final curriculum...”

The Council to a person wholeheartedly concurs with the development of full-time church pastors who can serve the local congregations. Management has the directive to provide adequate facilities for the training of future ministers—thus fulfilling the Strategic Plan. We look forward to 2010 for the start of the updated pastoral training program. As this develops, you will be hearing more about it.

With the branding discussion we have taken another step to position our message before the world. We all know our message is the gospel or good news of the Kingdom of God. No one has to tell us what our message is. In discussing our message with branding agencies we have emphasized the uniqueness of our message:

     1. We offer the path to a direct and personal relationship with God. Our members are living examples of this message.

     2. We offer authentic Christianity. We are an extension of the first-century Church.

     3. We offer understanding. We provide a biblically based explanation of the meaning and purpose of life. We provide life-changing biblical truths and the answers to tough questions.


When people search for news, they go to their favorite Web site such as CNN, Fox News, CBS, NBC or ABC. When people search for religious information, we want them to think of the United Church of God—we want them to come to our Web sites. We want to rise above the crowd and become the source of religious information and understanding that people go to. A branding company will assist the Church in achieving that goal.

The Council will be working with the administration to produce both an effective message and a media mix in the coming months. We believe a proper media mix (the appropriate use of all available media tools), combined with positioning our message, will greatly aid in propelling the work forward. This is a dying world that desperately needs to hear a message of hope and truth regarding what biblical salvation entails.

Two years ago the decision was made to relocate to Texas. Over the last two years dramatic financial changes have occurred on a global basis. As a result of this crisis, the Council and administration had reevaluated “Where Do We Go From Here” for nearly a year. The economy has faltered, the housing market has collapsed, bankruptcies have soared, and millions of people have lost their jobs.

These trends are also having an impact on the Church. Last year God blessed the United Church of God with a 1.5 percent increase in income. As responsible stewards, we are striving to take a measured approach to expansion at this junction. Over the next three to five years we will have a clearer understanding of the impact this financial crisis will have on the nation and the Church.

Thus, the Council has made a strategic decision based on financial considerations to maintain our presence at our current facility. This was one of the options put forward by the administration. Therefore the Denton property will be placed on the market. Please pray that God would send a buyer to allow us to recover our investment in the property in Texas so those funds can be put toward the vital need of preaching a gospel of hope, as well as preparing a people that God is actively striving to bring to the full measure of Jesus Christ.

The Scriptures clearly teach that “the laborer is worthy of his wages” and “let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine” (1 Timothy:5:17-18). We have many long serving ministers and wives and employees who have labored long and hard, some up to 50+ years in the work of God. They have worked tirelessly and sacrificed their health and time in service to the Church. We all are very grateful to them for their years of service. We cannot neglect them in their later years. We are committed to providing a reasonable means of retirement-age income for them. Britt Taylor led the Council through a review of how this can be made possible. There is a biblical duty and responsibility to look after the needs of our employees, and the Council plans to continue that support. More details will be distributed to the employees soon on this plan.

One highlight of the meetings was the approval of 11 new men to be ordained into the ministry of Jesus Christ. This is the largest number of ordinations that I remember at any one time. This speaks well of the dedication, humility and faithfulness of many families within the local congregations of the United Church of God. God is providing more laborers for the harvest.

With all these exciting opportunities before us, we need to unite together as never before to preach the gospel and serve “the elect” of God. God has given His children into our care to love and guide. As we move away from these meetings that deal so much with facts, figures and policies, let’s never lose sight of the grand focus of Scripture that God is calling us to relationships with Him and His Son, with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and with a world that so desperately needs His message. It is a privilege to serve alongside you in this great calling.

In Christ’s service,

Roy Holladay