Council of Elders Meeting Report - February 27, 2014

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Council of Elders Meeting

United Church of God, an International Association

Milford, Ohio

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chairman Webber called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Eastern Time and asked president Victor Kubik to open the final day of meeting with prayer. He then summarized the agenda for the day, expressing the plan to conclude the deliberations before 2:00 p.m.

Mr. Webber first thanked God the Father and Jesus Christ for Their direction of the Church because we would be nothing without that. Reflecting back a score of years, we have three times had to reorganize to continue to carry on God’s work. We have run on the strength of the living faith of every member of UCG from the oldest widow to young teenagers. When our members or their children are asked who directs United, they all respond that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. They and we believe in the success of the United Church of God. Their and our faithful offerings beyond the regular tithe have funded the many efforts reviewed this week. Since we’re about the business of the Church, we can easily tend to see so many numerical figures and budget columns, rather than focus on the living faith of our dedicated brethren around the world. It is God’s people that have the “lion’s heart” to move forward—and more than that—they have a heart towards God in living faith of what He is performing and yet to perform in the lives of others.

The Chairman read the story of Christ when He fed the people with the five barley loaves and two small fish a young boy had to offer. He then had the disciples seat everyone, blessed the bread and fish, and then they fed 5,000 people with much left over (see John 6). It was the little boy who had a little lunch that was not stymied by the numerical attendance (“the figures”) of those all around him, but had that same heart towards God recognizing that if He gave God even his “little” that God could take that “little” and magnify it to suit His purposes. We face that same challenge today with the tasks set before us. Even with the generous tithes and offerings of our brethren the needs are great and the tasks are many.

He then introduced Bill Bradford, chairman of the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee to conduct the budget discussion.

2014-2015 Budget Discussion—Bill Bradford

Various Council members discussed various internal details for several minutes to get ready for the presentation. Mr. Webber reminded everyone that in the Strategic Plan booklet (distributed at the GCE) the left hand pages describe what the Council does, and the right hand pages record what the administration’s plans to do to accomplish what the Council requested.

After reviewing and clarifying the Strategic Plan details, Mr. Webber conducted the ballot for the Strategic Plan as stated. It passed 10 in favor, 1 against (Mark Mickelson), with Don Ward abstaining.

Next Mr. Webber called for a ballot on the Operation Plan. It passed 9 in favor, 2 against (Mark Mickelson and John Elliott), with Don Ward abstaining.

Mr. Bradford then presented the Budget, first exhibiting again a list of priorities to be included in the budget, as additional funds allowed. He explained that the committee itself does not recommend this budget because not all of the priorities were addressed. The fact that it is a balanced budget is not the issue, but how the funds were allocated, with the funding of television coverage considered too much and legacy and employee compensation cost funding not enough. He asked treasurer Rick Shabi to again review the compensation plans for the coming fiscal year.

Mr. Shabi explained that the budget anticipates, as prioritized by the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee, three ministerial retirements during the upcoming fiscal year, three new hires to replace the retirements, plus the hiring of one ministerial trainee. He also commented that the salary adjustment given to lower paid employees and the across-the-board 0.9 percent salary increase that was granted last August has resulted in higher budgeted salaries and wages for the coming fiscal year than were for the prior year. He also explained that there is an Executive Reserve included in the budget to provide for equipment purchases and a variety of employee benefit increases that can be enacted during the course of the fiscal year, as funds allow and at Council direction.

In the discussion portion of this Budget ballot, Council member John Elliott cited pleas received by some Council members in letters from Church employees, specifically in the field ministry, explaining that they are unable to fully support their families at present salary levels. After hearing Mr. Elliott’s comments, Roc Corbett requested that we find a way to better support our dedicated employees in this budget. Mr. Bradford responded that treasurer Shabi had already explained all that was planned for the coming fiscal year—that this was the best we could do at this point. Mr. Corbett then asked if there was perhaps a way to re-allocate local congregational expenses if necessary to increase funding to our employees. Mr. Webber commented that if we did that, we could necessitate members, whose lives that are already busy and demanding, having to find time to conduct local fundraisers just to pay local church-related expenses. He added that many brethren are also experiencing economic down-sizing in their lives and yet continue to give as they can. We must recognize that with the economic challenges set upon us we all share in what is happening out there.

Rex Sexton then summarized the circumstances of employees, and asked if there could be any other areas to economize. It was mentioned several times in Council deliberations that this coming fiscal year’s proposed budget does have a significant Executive Reserve that can be accessed to address employee, equipment, and other needs as we proceed through the year as income allows. He also commented that the budget must be prepared in relation to the Strategic Plan, which provides that the Church must be preaching the gospel and preparing a people, while also taking care of its employees.

Darris McNeely asked if the committee had sufficient time to thoroughly discuss the Budget with the administration. Mr. Bradford indicated that the committee had not had sufficient time. Mr. McNeely suggested that the discussion should have been concluded before this time. Committee member Mark Mickelson explained the brevity of the timeline of the discussions, and that Budget issues are still ongoing. Mr. Bradford indicated that although the committee does not recommend this Budget, because it does not provide for increased employee compensation, it will continue to work with the administration going forward.

Mr. Webber mentioned that the budget had been technically presented to the Council on a timely basis, that there had been a Web meeting, and a face-to-face meeting on Monday before the regular meetings began. Issues raised this morning had not previously been addressed by or to the Council.  Nonetheless, Mr. Webber commented, all planning really needs to go back to the August meetings rather than simply rely on the December and February meetings for budgetary discussions The Council plans to go through a major strategic exercise in December 2014.

At this point, in response to the continuing discussion on employee compensation, Peter Eddington and Victor Kubik suggested a couple of additional cost-reduction possibilities that would include a reduction in Internet advertising and print proclamation, and potential layoffs. At this time, the motion was made, and agreed to, to move into executive session to finish the Budget discussion, which it did.

When open session resumed, Mr. Webber welcomed several ABC students who came to observe the Council in action. After he summarized the morning’s meeting, he conducted the ballot for the annual Budget. Mr. Bradford, speaking on behalf of the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee, explained that the committee supports, but does not recommend, the annual Budget. As Mr. Webber conducted the ballot the results to accept the annual Budget as amended were 9 in favor, and 2 against (Mark Mickelson and John Elliott) with Carmelo Anastasi abstaining. Consequently, the Strategic Plan and Budget will move forward to the GCE in May.

Doctrine Committee Discussion—John Elliott

Item: “Last Great Day” Study Paper—He read a proposal…No discussion was offered so Mr. Webber then conducted the ballot which was 11 in favor and 1 against. Peter Eddington explained that the media team will update the online version of that study paper.

Content Committee Discussion

Due to lack of time at this meeting for a discussion of the committee’s work, Mr. Kubik gave them the Web address for reading the documentation posted there. The Council will be fully briefed on the scope and workings of the Content Committee at the earliest opportunity.

Education Committee—Rex Sexton, Chairman

Mr. Sexton circulated the proposed Scope and Responsibilities (S&R) statement of the committee. This was necessary to re-energize the work of the committee, which has been largely inactive for several years.

Discussion ensued on the details of the S&R statement partly consisting of simple edits to the statement, clarifications and substantive edits. In formulating the final wording of the committee’s responsibilities, chairman of the Roles and Rules Committee Roc Corbett pointed from Article 8.8.1 of the Bylaws that such a committee is not an enforcer but a monitor.

Council chairman Robin Webber asked Mr. Sexton to produce a final, edited copy of the S&R statement for balloting before the Council meeting ended.

At this point Council re-entered executive session, which ended just before lunch.

After the meal Mr. Webber called the afternoon session to order and conducted a brief discussion about scheduling various Council matters that need to be discussed in the next few weeks.

Balloting for Scope and Responsibility Statement for the Education Committee

Mr. Webber asked Mr. Sexton to read the edited copy of Scope and Responsibilities Statement for the Education Committee. He proposed that it be accepted as amended, and the ballot was unanimous in favor to accept the statement.

Mr. Webber then continued the discussion of Council and GCE scheduling leading up to the annual meeting in May as well as planning the August meeting dates.


Randy Stiver

Council Reporter

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