Council of Elders Meeting in Cincinnati Ohio

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United Church of God, an International Association
Council of Elders Meeting Report
Sunday, March 2 and Monday, March 3, 2003 – Cincinnati OH

The Council held an informal members-only session for most of Sunday and in the latter part of the day went into executive session. Monday, March 3 started with another hour of executive session. When the open session convened, Roy Holladay led a discussion on the topic of LifeNets. Following another executive session, the afternoon meeting began with Richard Thompson leading the Council in its consideration of the Council of Elders festival transfer policy and a new Christ-centered Servant Leadership task force. Peter Eddington presented plans for a Feast of Tabernacles video. The final Council action of the day was to determine the most effective way to present to the GCE a proposed amendment to the bylaws and constitution.

Correction to February 28 Report

The report for Friday, February 28 included a misstatement of a comment made by Joel Meeker. The statement (which appears on page 2) was made during the discussion of the Church publication’s audience. The statement should read:

• Europe has different views on some aspects of morality and is generally less religious than America (Mr. Meeker).

GCE Speakers Selected

The Council selected elders to speak during the Annual Meeting of the General Conference of Elders. Andre van Belkum and Aaron Dean will give split sermons on Sabbath, May 3. The keynote speakers during the business meeting of the conference on May 4 will be Jim Chapman, Dale Schurter and Paul Leucke.


Mr. Holladay began the first open session of the day by summarizing previous Council discussions regarding the relationship between LifeNets and the United Church of God. The purpose today was to determine the best way to answer remaining questions.

At Mr. Holladay’s request, Victor Kubik briefly reviewed some LifeNets’ work, which includes projects in Latin America, Africa, the Philippines and other places. Mr. Kubik emphasized that UCG members are the beneficiaries of about 80 percent of LifeNets’ efforts.

Mr. Holladay suggested that the best way to clarify the relationship is to emphasize that LifeNets is a separate organization with no official connection to United. Mr. Kilough commented that LifeNets has a strong history of doing good works, which our members can be encouraged to support while also being reminded not to neglect our responsibility to support the Church’s efforts through its emergency assistance fund.

At the conclusion of the discussion, the Council unanimously adopted the following resolution:

That the president and Ministerial Services coordinate with Victor Kubik any pastoral issues as an administrative function, and that the president craft an article for The United News and that the Council craft a letter to the Church explaining our Christian obligation for good works in general and LifeNets in particular.

Council of Elders Festival Transfer Policy

In the first portion of the afternoon session Mr. Thompson, chairman of the Education and Ministerial Services Committee, reviewed and gained Council approval of a festival transfer policy for Council members. The purpose of the policy is to allow ministerial services to more effectively balance manpower needs at each site.

In addition to balancing manpower, a few other factors play a part in Council members’ transfers. Mr. Holladay pointed out that Council members should be available to speak at various Feast sites each year as representatives of Church leadership. There may be a request for a particular Council member at a site. The Church would also take advantage of the opportunity for a Council member to attend a site if other Church or Council business can be accomplished during the same trip. Depending on all the circumstances, a Council member may know his festival assignment in any given year as early as January or as late as May.

The discussion concluded with the acceptance of a resolution, which passed by a vote of 10-0 (Jim Franks was absent to attend another meeting and Gary Antion was teaching an ABC class) to approve the Council of Elders Transfer Policy.

Family Life Studies Advisory Committee

Mr. Thompson then turned the Council’s attention to the work of the Family Life Studies Advisory Committee. The committee will be requested to complete its work on the doctrinal subject of divorce and remarriage and additional projects, articles and papers relating to the family, and submit them to the chairman of the Education and Ministerial Services Committee. After review by the E/MS committee, the paper will be forwarded to the Council of Elders. A proposal to this effect was passed by the Council by a vote of 10-0 (Mr. Franks was absent to attend another meeting and Mr. Antion was teaching an ABC class).

Christ-Centered Servant Leadership

Mr. Thompson presented a proposal to the Council to establish a new task force which would have the responsibility of identifying questions about and making recommendations concerning the next step in the CSL (Christ-centered Servant Leadership) program.

The suggestion of this new task force triggered a discussion of the status of the program and whether there is need for another taskforce:

• Mr. Antion questioned the purpose of the new task force because the Council seems to be in agreement with the principles of CSL (Mr. Antion). Mr. Thompson responded that the purpose of the new task force is to offer a fresh perspective on the status of the project and suggest the next step.
• Mr. Walker asked whether the Council had formally approved the CSL project. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Kilough acknowledged that there had never been a formal resolution on the program, but also reviewed the Council’s previous discussions and the direction it gave to the CSL taskforce. Mr. Kilough explained that he remanded the CSL to the Education Committee and they will bring a formal proposal.
• Mr. Franks made the point that the new task force doesn’t stop the CSL program from going forward. Our regional pastors, in particular, have asked some important questions about the CSL, which the task force should be able to address.
• Mr. Thompson explained that one reason for the new taskforce is to deal with all the current issues and recommend the next step to the Council.

The following resolution was proposed and passed by a vote of 10-0 with two abstentions (Mr. Antion is in agreement with questions being answered and solutions proposed, burt does not believe it takes a “committee on a committee” and Mr. Dean abstained):

Now therefore, it is hereby resolved, that the Task Force for Review of CSL is established to identify those questions and concerns and bring recommendations to address those questions and concerns to the Education/Ministerial Services Committee.

Feast of Tabernacles Video

Mr. Eddington summarized plans for a Feast of Tabernacles video, based on suggestions from the Council meetings in December, 2002. The Council agreed to a production titled “Being About our Father’s Business.”

• Mr. Holladay and Mr. Kilough will be the primary speakers. Each will have a 20-25 minute message (including video clips). Mr. Kilough will focus on the questions of why and, how we as a people, are being prepared and how that relates to the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles. Mr. Holladay will focus on how the work of the Church relates to the Feast’s meaning.
• The subscriber development program will be highlighted, illustrating how Good News readers are brought into a deeper understanding of the truth.
• Recently baptized members may be interviewed, relating their personal experience and excitement in becoming part of the Church.
• The Church’s work in one of the international areas will be highlighted.

A motion to adopt the Feast video was approved by Council by a vote of 11-0 (Mr. Kilough abstained).

Proposed Amendment to Bylaws and Constitution

An amendment to paragraph 7.7.1 of the bylaws and the corresponding paragraph in the constitution (5.1.1) has been submitted for GCE consideration at the Annual Meeting. The proposed amendment would make it possible to change a fundamental belief if it receives a three-fourths majority of votes cast rather than a three-fourths majority of all members of the GCE. As explained in the Statement of Justification, this change is necessary due to the number of elders who do not participate in the voting process.

However, in order to be passed, this amendment requires approval from three-quarters of all members of the GCE.

The Council decided to postpone this vote until after the Annual Meeting. Doing so will give the Council opportunity to fully explain to the GCE the importance of participation in this vote and also allow the vote to take place at a time when this will be the only issue for the GCE to consider.

The Council unanimously decided to remove the amendment from the May ballot and remand the matter to the Ethics, Roles and Rules Committee which will bring forward its recommendations as soon as possible.

-Don Henson

© 2003 United Church of God, an International Association